Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bucket List

I think everyone has a list of things they would like to do in their life. This is a conversation I like to have with friends. It is interesting to hear what people's passions are. Their secret life goals.

This is the sort of list that morphs with time. Preferences and priorities change. One experience may influence the desire to have a similar experience. Others may do the opposite. Anyway, here is mine:

Bring it on!
Play darts and get a bulls eye
Ride in a zorb
Knock over a can with a slingshot
Get a mud wrap
Climb a tree (a really tall one, not one of the easy ones)
Make a quilt
Zip-line (not the kind at a playground, I'm thinking across treetops. Redwoods, preferably.)
Scuba dive (I've done it in a swimming pool but this doesn't count in my eyes)
See a wild herd of zebras
The thing that is implied in this blog but I think will jinx things if added to this list
See a volcano
Loom a rug
See a wild whale

Mission Accomplished
Ride a roller-coaster (big mistake)
Meet someone famous (the list is growing)
Travel to Europe
Touch a sturgeon
Go to Norway
Ride a donkey

I don't know if it is part of feeling there is a purpose to this journey or just the anticipation, but I love these things.

What is something you have on your bucket list?