Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eviction notice

Without a doubt, the current economic situation has lead to some terrible outcomes, the worst being lost jobs for people in Canada and the US.

There are a few (selfish) things I did not expect would come of it. For example:

  • The bubble-bath section of the drug store has undergone a major downsize. I don't even know if my favorite bubble-bath is made anymore.
  • Book publishing is down. If I am being realistic, my chances of ever having a book published are 0, or at least very poor (the last thing anyone should ever accuse me of is being realistic). ;)
  • Skyrocketing hay prices. Prices are so high, the stable where I kept my equine pals (from now on referred to as The Lions - a pet name I gave them when we were young and wild) will no longer be operating. That's right folks, my boys are being evicted.

Thus begins my search for a new home for The Lions.

This new home should include some or all of the following:

  • Minimal mud over extended periods of time.
  • Room to run.
  • Sturdy barricades to ensure The Lions will remain in their allocated "room to run."
  • Shelter from wind, rain, sun.
  • Delicious, dust-free hay.
  • Experts on-site who will give friendly, helpful advice / drive me to the hospital if I fall off while riding and forget who I am.
  • Absence of experts who give snotty quips that make me feel bad about my horses / myself (ex. "Well, you can tell your horses are used to getting their own way..." - Of course they are used to getting their way. I'm a student who has no time to ride and am not that great of a rider when I do. Some things are best left quietly ignored - like me lying in the dirt.)
  • Sunshine and lollipops as accepted forms of payment.

Updates to follow :)