Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Enter the lion tamer

It took much leaping and flailing and gnashing of teeth, but my lions (aka horses, but one would not expect horses to be so gnashy) have a new home.

This weekend had a large list of Here is where I went wrong. This is the winner:

Saturday was best marked by an inappropriate choice of underwear. At times, it is nice to know some part of your outfit is adorable, even if no one can see it. I should have considered when cutting stall mats to line the bottom of a horse trailer, a specific bending technique is required (adorable underwear is not). Occasionally this technique allows the display of what should be left unseen. As it was, I ended up looking like a washed-up cabaret dancer with a strange flouf of flamingo-pink ruffle sticking out of my jeans whenever I dropped my guard. Awkward.

But wait, there's more:

Sunday saw one horse successfully trailered - where I come from, trailer is a verb ;) - and one horse determined to resist travel (its not for everyone). Ropes were broken, as were camel backs. A final decision was made and one horse made the journey, the other was left behind.

Safety before pride.

Our new boarder is a fabulous woman with a trailer that makes mine look like a tin can on wheels. She offered to pick up Lion#2. 10 minutes and a little determination was all she needed. My ferocious pal was loaded and on the way to his new home. I have officially dubbed her the Lion Tamer (but I probably won't tell her-I'm not taking any chances of her thinking I'm a weirdo).

You know how it is when you meet a person and just have that good feeling about them? That's her. She even teaches riding lessons!

This should cross the last bit of crazy off my to-do list. Hopefully life will shift into a bit of a slow down for a while.

How about you? Have you ever:
  • Worn inappropriate underwear?
  • Met a person and thought they were just too good to be true but known/hoped they weren't?


Joanne Brothwell said...

The dreaded underwear fiasco! So funny. And yes, it has happened to me on more than one occasion, especially during my kids' baby phase when I was constantly wiping noses, bending over to pick up and sitting on the floor. Add in the post-pregnancy weight and you're starting to get a not-so-pretty picture!

Entertaining post. I can almost see the gnashing teeth in my mind!