Sunday, March 21, 2010

Its all about the he said she said

There are two things you should know about me.

Thing 1: I have an addiction to office supplies.
Thing 2: I have a limited short-term memory and go crazy if I think of something I might need to remember for later.

Thus, the avalanche of little notebooks I keep in my house, my purse, my car... To write down random stuff.

One of the things I did in one of them is write down a collection of words. Words I like, words I find most descriptive under a specific circumstance, words that describe other words.

In this post are the list of words I collected to be used in place of said. It is a list I both hate and worship (check out tomorrow's post to see why). I've found these words in books, online, by listening to people talk (TV, radio, humans).

My suggestion is not to take this list with a grain of salt, but to use it the way one would use salt.

There are a number of different salts to be used in cooking: sea salt, kosher salt, rock salt, celtic salt etc. They may all add a special something to a dish that plain old table can't quite achieve, but they all serve the same purpose - to make the food taste salty. The amount of salt added to a dish are not exponentially related to its deliciousness, regardless of the quality or variety.

Consider yourself warned ;)

contested cited discussed asked appeased
continued claimed disclosed replied approved
contradicted coaxed disrupted blinked argued
chimed contributed comforted divulged began
articulated cooed commanded echoed sputtered
assented counseled commented elaborated assumed
countered communicated emphasized assured coughed
crabbed cackled cajoled calculated called
caroled cautioned challenged craved cracked
cried criticized croaked cautioned crooned
cross-examined chanted cursed charged chattered
chided chipped in chimed in chirped choked
chortled complained conceded concluded concurred
confessed confided confirmed consented consoled
crowed drawled droned debated decided
declared decreed delivered defended demanded
demurred denied denounced described determined
dictated directed disclaimed enjoined enumerated
equivocated estimated enunciated exhorted exaggerated
exclaimed expiated explained exploded exposed
faltered foretold fumed gagged inquired
insinuated volunteered ventured prompted supplied
thundered hesitated added agreed corrected
whispered hesitated abjured accused acknowledged
added addressed admitted admonished advised
advocated affirmed agreed alleged allowed
alluded announced answered apologized appealed
asserted assured attested averted avouched
avowed blubbered blurted blustered boasted
boomed bragged breathed broke in brought forth
babbled baited bantered bargained barked
bawled began begged believed belittled
bellowed condescended

  • I don't know how to put a table in blogger. If anyone knows how, I'd appreciate a heads up - I'll give this list a bit of a tidy (the OCD in me goes crazy that the list isn't alphabetical and perfectly lined up).