I remember reading somewhere about the ninja cliche. I can't remember it verbatim, but it goes something along the lines of: unless you are writing a story about ninjas, don't toss one in just to make things exciting. Ninjas are exciting. Boring stories cannot be made so by the addition of a ninja.
Here is where I think every good story needs a ninja: during the writing process.
That's right folks, there are times when you must set aside the love your own writing to sharpen that katana.
How many of your adverbs actually need that -ly ending? How many adverbs are truly necessary? Slash away.
How many times does the first word of one of your sentences start with (verb)ing? Hit one with a blow dart.
Do you use the same word repeatedly? In the same passage? In the same paragraph? In the same sentence? Knock those spare words away with your nunchakus (numb-chuks to the Napoleon Dynamite fans in the crowd).
At first, it is difficult. Handling so many weapons with ease is not simple. Every now and then, there is a risk of getting cut and no one likes getting cut. No one likes the pain, but its like ripping off a band-aid. The longer you leave it on, the more gross, fuzzy, sticky stuff gets left behind (I am a firm believer in the fact that there is no painless way to remove a band-aid, with the exception of a public swimming pool).
Personally, I hate doing it. I especially like the -ly verbs. LOVE THEM! But I don't need them. Carving away the crutch verbs and words is a bit of work, but there is that wonderful sense of accomplishment once it is done.
Know it is possible.
After all, the most important weapon to the ninja is not a physical object at all. It is their mind.
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