Searching for one tiger has led me to another.
(ps- No, not Tiger)
I've been searching for Marjorie Liu's Tiger Eye for a while now, but no matter where I look, its not in stock. I was in a local book store, sleuthing. It wasn't there, but I figured I would go check out a different book about a tiger instead. Yann Martel's The Life of Pi, the illustrated version (the pictures are beautiful).
I found The Life of Pi on a display shelf along with Yann's What is Stephen Harper Reading? and the newly released Beatrice and Virgil. Above them all, a sign was taped announcing an upcoming signing and that tickets for the event were being sold at the front desk. I asked at the front and they were only $8, so I think it was more for crowd control than to cash in on fans (the reading is in a little coffee shop section of the store).
Here is my dilemma: Should I buy a ticket?
I went one of his signings once in the same coffee shop a few years ago (my first, actually). This is what I learned: for everyone else there, it was a social outing. Making it a ticket-only event ups the anti. It might be a full-on party.
Question #2: Should I kidnap a book-loving friend to come with me?
I'm pretty good at doing loner-type things, but last time, when I tried to talk to him, it came out something along the lines of: "Babble, blunder, babble, blueberry. I mean, blueberry. Blueberry! kthxbai."
All right. That's it. I've made up my mind. I'm probably going to try to get a ticket. Probably ;)
I just need to practice saying, "I love your books," ahead of time.
Oh, and Eye of the Tiger: Amazon, baby. Clickety-click. Come to mama...
UPDATE: It appears I have a wedding to attend the same night. Maybe I'll pull off that scene in 27 dresses where Katherine Heigl's character rips around town to attend 3 weddings in one night. Simple.
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