This week's epiphanies:
- Life is too short for bad sushi.
- Tiny Buddha says we can control the number of times we can smile in a day. This may mean people should smile more, however I believe it means you don't have to smile if you don't feel like smiling. You run the risk of impersonating a territorial primate (True Story).
- When you go into a situation where another person is trying to make you feel uncomfortable, remember this: You are good at something. Excellent, in fact, even if you're the only one who knows what that something is.
- When the belt loops rip off your favorite pants, it means two things 1) They have been well-loved 2) They will/should be missed (not worn) - this is a warning sign. If you continue wearing them, they will only break your heart.
- Even if it only blooms a short while, a hibiscus flower is worth the anticipation.
- This lady is: (initial thought) awesome! (second thought) someone who must have been very lonely beforehand.
- The way I use the word 'epiphany' is the definition listed third in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
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