Its officially here: Free Comic Book Day 2010.
My first taste of it is this morning at 8:10 am. I drive past the comic book store to pick up some scones at the Farmer's Market (ps- These scones will make you believe in miracles). There are three people waiting outside the store. In the rain - a father-son team and a lone wolf.
8:30 Drive-by: 5 people. Two father-son teams and a lone wolf. Go to grocery store for milk.
I want to go by a third time, but figure I am pretty much asking for a car accident by driving around aimlessly, counting people in front of the comic book store.
8:50: Home, eating delicious, delicious scone. (Fun fact: the first time I typed this, I spelled delicious right the first time, misspelled it the second - in this sentence, I misspelled it twice. My hands resist overuse of the word, even if I don't).
9:50: The line is too long to count. Men, women, children. Everyone is excited. People are looking in the big glass window making all sorts of excited noises.
10:01: A loud, "OOoooohh," from the crowd and the line moves forward.
A guy dressed like Wolverine greets us at the door. An artist from Marvel Comics is in the store. Pandemonium abounds. What to choose? What to choose? Options: 1 free comic book or donate $10 to a local charity and take 10. What to choose? What to choose? Aha!

On the way out, the sweet-faced, blue-eyed Wolverine rasps, "Have a nice day," in a voice so scary, I practically jump out the door. I can't wait for next year.
Did anyone else out there attend Free Comic Book Day?
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