Monday, May 3, 2010

A Horse Stepped on my Hand

A horse stepped on my hand*. True story. Thus my need to hunt and peck with one hand while clutching an ice pack in the other.

I figure today is a good day to show you the trailer Tessa Dare made. It gets funnier every time I watch it.

See if you can spot the mermaid ;)

*Not one of my own boys. Someone else's Magnificent Beast. And yes, I do realize anyone who leaves their hand lying around for a horse to step on probably has it coming.


Hayley E. Lavik said...

I love that! A perfect way to present a story, ensnare an audience, and not try to 'overcome' a lack of time and budget to make something big and shiny. Book trailers so often wind up looking cheesy because we just can't afford movie-like effects and casting. This is a great alternative.

Joanne Brothwell said...

So cute!
My nine year old loved it too.

Missed the mermaid altogether. Too busy watching the hot dudes.