I've gone and done it. I went and bought a pair of Sketchers Shape-ups. I am officially tromping around like a woman with two rocking horses strapped to her feet. Incredibly comfortable rocking horses.
Research (interwebs and other)
From what I had come across, these shoes are designed to strengthen core, legs, improve posture and balance, reduce gingivitis, paint your house, wash your car and give you the poise and stamina to run a 10K marathon in heels. Well, not exactly but they are getting a lot of hype in the circles I run in (ran in: now I walk. No running in the Shape-ups).
I really wasn't sure what they would be like. There are very few testimonials online about them aside from promotional material and statements such as, "They are supposed to (yadda yadda yadda)," and, "I hear they (yadda yadda yadda)."
The best testimonial I got was from the woman (and her husband, who was also trying on a pair) in the shoe store who whispered to me, "My girlfriend wore them for two months and the cellulite on her butt..." She then slashed at her throat like the cellulite had been decapitated. Message sent. These shoes mean business.
Now, this is a blog (thank you Captain Obvious), thus I am more or less invisible, so I am going to level with you. I don't really care about what my butt looks like (its not like I can see it). I'm not that interested in what my weight is, or the number value assigned to my waistline. What I can't stand is my muffin-top. Esther.
I can't wait to hear your review. I've been watching the commercials for the competition (Reebok's version) and would love to get a pair. But, being the skeptical, spendthrift type person I am - I'll wait for your thoughts!
And I happen to love blogs that chat about more than just writing (thus my own ranting, rambling blogposts). So, I'll be here reading you TMI :)
I know someone who owns a pair and they love them.
Keep us informed!
I don't know, I'm not convinced. I think they may help with the strengthening, but some of the things I've been reading from our dietitian at work is that exercise really doesn't help with weight loss (reducto of muffin top). Apparently 80% of weight loss is plain old eating less. No wonder I've been gaining weight despite working out every day!
That being said, why not try it? Good luck!
Hey Ladies,
Thanks for stopping by. I don't have much of an opinion on them either way, but have the feeling if there are any positive results, the shoes will get the glory and if not, my willpower will get the blame :) So far, I don't hate them and take that as a good sign.
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